Yücelen Group, which took developing projects in many fields in the name of social responsibility and supporting already existing projects as a mission to itself, aims to explore the predisposition of our children’s to fine arts via the Painting, Poetry, Story and Creativity Contest that is held every year in memory of deceased Rüştü Kazım Yücelen who had been Minister of Internal Affairs, State and Industry.
Yücelen Group, which took developing projects in many fields in the name of social responsibility and supporting already existing projects as a mission to itself, aims to explore the predisposition of our children’s to fine arts via the Painting, Poetry, Story and Creativity Contest that is held every year in memory of deceased Rüştü Kazım Yücelen who had been Minister of Internal Affairs, State and Industry. Children competing in 4 different categories as preschool, primary school, middle school and high school levels in this traditional contest are being forwarded to fine arts with the support provided while exploring their talents. The contest, which was held only in Anamur district of Mersin on the first year that it was organised, will appeal to Mersin in the following years and to the whole country after that; and will exhibit different talents by achieving more children. A new category was added to the contest, which the ceremony was made in Rüştü Kazım Yücelen Primary-Middle School built in memory of Rüştü Kazım Yücelen. Besides painting, poetry and story, in the category of creativity contestant children were expected to express their dreams with a free art method. The winner of the first place of the category had expressed the clean nature in its dreams by using a 3D method. The winner works of the contest that explores different skills every year with a development are presented to the taste of guests in the exhibition organised in the ceremony.